God Bless his sweet heart!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Would you like some tea, mommy?

You know its going to be a long dinner when your toddler spills what felt like a half gallon sweet tea in your lap.

I don't even know how she got to it. She was in my lap. I moved my purse from the table and an instant later the both of us were soaked. She had an extra outfit. I did not. Luckily, we were at MIL's restaurant and my sweet waitress had an extra pair of pants.

Maybe I should pack myself an spare change of clothes too?


Blogger Mamacita Tina said...

I've often wondered that myself. The kids always have spare outfits, why don't I? Will I ever learn?

9:06 AM

Blogger Me said...

You'd think that'd be a given for mommies and daddies. Don't know why I never thought of it either....at least a spare t-shirt :)

7:10 PM

Blogger Me said...

Oh no!!!

p.s. We need some more vacation pics. And by that, I mean cute baby pics in her swimmin suit or whatever else she was wearing!

8:04 PM


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