God Bless his sweet heart!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Long week alone

Hubby had to go out of town to work this week. This is the first time he's ever had to do an out of town job and it stinks! I hate it. I miss him.

I can run things around here alone, but that doesn't mean I want to. I hate the afternoon's when babygirl starts looking at the door waiting for him to walk through it. I hate watching TV at night alone. I get bored! Not to mention there is a 30,000 acre wildfire burning an hour to our north and the smoke has been so horrible that we can't even play outside.

Thank goodness, he finished a day early and I think he's coming back tonight instead of tomorrow. And he should have a day off for us to do something fun!!


Blogger Choppzs said...

Yep, it really does suck when Hubs isn't here too! Deployments sucked really bad, and now that he is out, and hasn't had to go on one for a while, I hate it when he isn't here! Luckily the kids keep me pretty busy! lol Even if it is just busy pulling out my hair!

12:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Hubbys away are no good. I'm just grateful that I'm not married to someone who has to be out of town all the time - I would go crazy!

4:32 PM

Blogger Me said...

I only go through that once a year when he's away for hunting. I used to cry when he left...lol. Not so much anymore now that I have Baby Girl to keep me busy and not missing him so much.

6:06 PM

Blogger Marisa said...

It does suck. My hubby travels for work occasionally, and when he does it seems to be in clusters.

I don't mind when it's a short trip and he's gone overnight, but I hate the week-long ones.

7:50 AM


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