God Bless his sweet heart!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Movie nights

It had been ages since the hubby and I had been to a movie together. I really can't even remember the last time. I'm pretty sure I was pregnant with the babygirl and that's been quite some time now.

So, we were given tickets for the premiere viewing of Talladega Nights. MIL offered to watch babygirl, and we took the opportunity.

The movie .... Hilarious.
The wait to get in ... Ridiculous.
The popcorn (the gallon worth) ... Way to salty.
The guy that wouldn't move down one seat so our entire party could sit together ... Aggravating.

I have to say, too, that I've never been frisked to get into a movie. A metal detector, purse search - the whole nine yards. (Hence the long wait to get in). I understand they don't want your camera, camera phone or video camera in the theatre, but really - the thing didn't even pick up a pocket knife in our friend's pocket. Whatever.

To the aggravating guy - What did one more seat matter in how you saw that movie? Get a life.


Blogger Marisa said...

Movie? What are those? LOL

Glad you and the hubby had a date night.

And what's with the frisking? Is that a Florida thing? I may have to rethink my retirement plans...

8:23 AM

Blogger Kari said...

I think it was a premiere thing. BIL and SIL frequent the movies like every weekend and he said he's never been through that before. STUPID.

8:28 AM

Blogger Me said...

I've never been searched to go see a movie!! Ack. I hope the ACLU calls it 'invasion of privacy' or something and puts a stop to that QUICK.

I do carry my digital camera with me at ALL TIMES and I would be seriously pissed to simply want to go to a movie and be searched, metal detected AND have my private purse gone through JUST for a freakin' movie that will come out on dvd in 6 months anyway.


9:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy is numbskull. I really hate rude ppl.
glad you got a night out though. I could use a date.

1:11 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Good lord, that guys was just an a$$.

Glad you had fun! The last movie we saw in the theatre was Shrek II in June 2004. Yup, we get out a lot.

7:25 AM

Blogger It's a Fantastic Life said...

I am glad the movie was good! I can't wait to see that one!

11:03 AM

Blogger Me said...

Hubby wants to see that movie so bad. Me? I wouldn't mind it, but you know how the getting out thing goes :)

Wow....I didn't know they frisked at those things. Craziness.

4:56 AM


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