God Bless his sweet heart!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hanging in there...

I'm here. I'm doing okay. It's been a week now. We had a really busy weekend that helped keep my mind moving and that was a good thing. I still hurt, but this being the third time, I know how to cope with that hurt. I knew how I was going to feel this week, I know how I will feel 2 weeks from now. I know my emotional process. I still wish it never would have happend, but that's beyond our control. It happened.

The hardest part of it, though, is this - My best friend is pregnant. We were due 3 days apart. She saw her baby's heartbeating the day I lost mine. How ironic. With each passing day of her pregnancy I'm remined of the one I lost. I'm extremely happy for her. She was in my position just 2 months ago. She has helped me in more ways than she will ever know. She is the only friend, who really understands me.

My husband is amazing. I don't think I could have carried myself out of that room last Wednesday had he not been with me with that tear in his eye.

The babygirl has brought me so much comfort. Looking into her eyes gives me the strength to give it another shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babygirl will be a big sister soon - I just know it. I've been in your position and it isn't an easy one to be in. Hang in there and have fun trying for another :)

7:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never been thru that kind of grief before, never lost a baby. I am one of the lucky ones.

You made me think of when I was pregnant with Alex. My best friend and I had baby boys one month apart. It was awesome to go thru our first pregnancies together and even more incredible to have our sons at the same time in our lives. I can't imagine what things would have been like for either one of us had things not turned out that way they did.

I hope that you don't lose all hope in the idea of having another child. I truly wish a blessing comes along soon for you.

1:28 PM

Blogger Me said...

I am so sorry. Go give that gorgeous baby girl of yours a hug.

2:41 PM

Blogger Choppzs said...

I am extremely sorry for your loss! I have no other words that can do justice! My prayers are with you and your family!

1:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs Kari, lots and lots of hugs girl.

11:38 AM


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