God Bless his sweet heart!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm back-

Shortly after posting my year in review post my computer took a nose dive and crash landed. I don't even know what happened. But, that's that and I'm back with my brand new laptop! Things have been so crazy since it happened that I don't even know where to begin to start catching up. But, I'll give it a shot!

I'll start with babygirl.

Sassy and her shadow

She's been a hand full of spunk these days.

I fear age 3 is worse than age 2. Is it?

I told her one day last week - not even thinking what I was saying - "That's not funny, D" and she replied, "I'm not laughing, mommy" in her best 'she thinks she's a grown up' voice.

I can't believe in just one week she will be a three year old.

Santa gave her a bike for Christmas. It's been so busy that we haven't had much time to work with her, but it didn't take long and she was gone. She's fast! This will be a great way for me to tone up the mommy legs!

You can't stop her now!

Pretty Princess

On to Baby Sissy.

Not sure if I ever mentioned her 2 month stats - 8lbs 14oz and 23 and 3/4 inches - 10th and 75th percentiles. Long and skinny. Following right along the path of her big sister.

She's such a happy baby! Sweet just isn't the half of it.


She's smiling and cooing so much now and even has her daddy convinced she likes him now.
He had this complex about her crying when he held her. He just forgot what it was like to have a newborn again. She really doesn't cry much at all.


and last but not least.. guess who is rolling over - belly to back. Yea, my baby. Made me want to melt down into tears. I don't remember babygirl rolling so soon and I haven't gone to look it up yet. Why does the second child feel the need to grow and change so much faster than the first?

1.8.08 029


Blogger Kelly said...

I feel like Ashley has been trying ti get big since Day 1.

3:04 PM

Blogger Priscilla's Profile said...

Oh Kari....I hadn't seen you mention the rolling "elsewhere", WOW! It's funny how babies seem to want one parent over the other when they are itty bitty. Again I can't tell you how beautiful the girls are. LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog, and I check it frequently. You have done a wonderful job, and have inspired me to want to do a year in review....not sure when I will get that done though. Sorry about the crash, but glad to see you are back up and running.

Chat with you soon,


4:13 PM

Blogger Bird On A Line said...

Does she really have that perfect skin or do you photoshop!? Claire still has cradle cap going on!

2:22 PM

Blogger Bird On A Line said...

I just re-read this post. She's already rolling over!!? Wow. Claire isn't - but that's fine since I want her to be a baby forever! :)

5:31 PM


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