God Bless his sweet heart!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

.So much has happened in the past week.

I don't even know where to begin.

Baby sissy turned 5 months old. Everyday I'm amazed at how she's growing.

She is laughing out loud - all the time.
She has just discovered she can actually do something with the water in the bathtub.
She has cut her third tooth on the bottom and working on the fourth.
She has learned she can scream - not cry - scream... and when she's not happy about it she lets you know!
She mostly screams when you buckle her in the car seat.
But no worries - she quits as soon as she's moving.
She's still a mommy's girl. (yay!)
She takes the most peaceful naps on our afternoon walks.
She laughs at her sister.
She loves to cuddle.
She scoots around on her belly.
She'll be crawling soon.
She may crawl before she sits.
She's not sleeping well at night right now.
But, we'll get through it.
She still wears 0-3 month clothes.
She smiles more than she cries.

Babygirl is as silly as ever. She's going to be a class clown I just know it. I'll forever blame her father. ;)


She's almost mastered her ABC's and loves to sing "twinkle twinkle" to baby sissy when she's upset. She'll tell me to "come fix her" as if she's broken. It's too cute, those two!

Easter was a ton of fun. Babygirl enjoyed coloring eggs. She did it with very little mess, too!

Round 2

to be continued...


Blogger Leslie said...

love the polka dotted background.. loved it..


12:42 PM

Blogger Speckledpup said...

I am dying from the cuteness
thanks for catching us up.

6:39 PM

Blogger Grace Acres said...

your pictures are amazing. What camera do you use?

2:53 PM


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