God Bless his sweet heart!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Knot head

Figures. Just in time for Easter, and because I had a simple idea to go have Easter pictures made tonight, she does this....

Graceful. Just like her mother.

This could also serve to show her determination to not let me take picture with her eyes open, which has become a fun game for her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, what'd she do?! Poor baby!

1:45 PM

Blogger Marisa said...

Don't you just love, love, love the head wounds?

Little miss did a number there. Too bad the timing sucks. I'm sure she'll still look sweet in her Easter outfit.

3:07 PM

Blogger Me said...

Ouch! That looks like it hurt big time!!! Grace just did that earlier in the week, only her's isn't nearly as bad.

4:18 PM

Blogger Tammy Williams said...

Sorry to hear this. Hope she's okay!

6:15 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Make up?

8:13 AM

Blogger Ju said...

Oh poor girl. Even with that big cut and shut eyes, she looks so cute!

10:57 AM

Blogger Trisha said...

Still a cutie! This is when I'm glad my husband does Tally's pictures now. I can photoshop out her ouchies. ;)

12:01 PM

Blogger Choppzs said...

My son is big into the not wanting his picture taken too. He will either scrunch up his face with weirdo smile, or not even look at me when I have the camera.

I always feel like a jinx too because stuff like that always happens in my house before pics are taken. Bruise here, scratch here, or even a big humungous rip somehow magically appears in someones brand new outfit. Go figure!

9:44 AM

Blogger Misti said...

you could edit it out you know, but i don't think theres anything you can do about the eyes,lol.
shes so cute, even if shes a stinker for you.

6:08 PM

Blogger Me said...

awww..still cute though! :)

10:19 AM

Blogger Kether said...

Liam did that the morning of his baptism!

Poor girl.

10:42 PM


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