God Bless his sweet heart!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Bathing suit season

It's spring break in Florida, which kicks off our bathing suit season.

I'm thrilled to say, for once in my life, I'm not dreading searching for a bathing suit!!! I'm actually excited. (That's quite an accomplishment!)

We just may head to the beach today.


Blogger Kari said...

The beach! I'm so jelous. we went to the bech this weekend, lol but let me tell you it's not bathing suit season! We were all bundled up in layers upon layers, winter coats, hats and gloves, lol.

Hope you guys get some good weather and have a blast at the beach with the babygirl!

10:20 AM

Blogger Unknown said...


10:31 AM

Blogger Ju said...

Ugh, it is that time already. I am nowhere near trying to fit into a bathing suit. At least we have a couple more months here until we have to start thinking about bathing suits.

12:22 PM

Blogger Ashley said...

I'm jealous! I am here in what is supposed to be sunny NC and when I went to lunch today it was sleeting....crazy!

12:49 PM

Blogger Me said...

I'm jealous too. I was lucky I got to open my windows for 5 minutes today to air out the house a bit. Hope you had a good time if you got to go!

5:49 PM


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