God Bless his sweet heart!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

And then there was this....


The drama of then entire installation still has me feeling crazy. Including the 7:30 trip to Lowes for a part something necessary to get it working, the moment that I had to dig Plumbers putty out of the babygirl's mouth, making the hubby call the number on the container (because I wasn't certain she didn't eat some), not having a sink for about 18 hours while this one settles and dries...


But, its worth it...I have my new sink!!!

Oh, and just so you know... if your child ever attempts to eat plumber's putty as mine did, no fear the lady from the first aid line looks it up and tells you that the worst it will do to your child is give them diarrhea... Nice... so far we have nada, so I'm guessing I fished it all out before she swallowed any. Whew.


Blogger Ju said...

Looks good! Looks like all that craziness paid off!

6:40 PM

Blogger Marisa said...

That's purty!

Ahhh, baby girl and plumber's putty; not a good combo. Glad she's okay. :-)

8:28 PM

Blogger Kari said...

Hope Delaney's feeling ok...talk about panic...plumber's putty, yuck!

4:42 AM

Blogger Trisha said...

Looks good.

Glad Delaney is ok.

9:23 AM

Blogger Me said...

Phew.....I'll keep that in mind for when Gracie decides she wants to eat it :)

The sink looks great! We're doing out bathroom this winter...fun stuff!

10:28 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Nothing like a new sink!

12:42 PM

Blogger Humor Girl said...

Yay!! It's beautiful!!! :)

11:30 PM

Blogger Kether said...

It looks so nice!

Poor Delaney. I had to fish a giant ball of lint out of Liam's mouth the other day and I have NO idea where he found it. THey're quick, aren't they?

3:52 PM

Blogger Misti said...

Love the new sink!!!

T eats stuff like that, they are so quick.
I hope that you got it all out and doesn't bother her.

12:32 AM

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