God Bless his sweet heart!

Monday, September 12, 2005

It is funny how things work out

My favorite part of the Sunday newspaper is the lifestyle section (and the coupons, of course). I love to look through all the wedding announcements from the day before. I love everything about weddings so its fun to look through at all the brides, read a little about them and their big day, and read where they will spend their first days as a married couple.

Only once every few months do I see one of someone we know. Usually, everyone we know just prints theirs in the weekly little town paper that we have, but every now and then someone will put theirs in the town and big city paper.

So late last night I was flipping through reading as the hubby watched the last of the news. I had to giggle when I opened up and saw that the hubby's first serious girlfriend and my Junior prom date had gotten married. We knew they were once dating once but had no idea they were engaged. Of course, I had to joke with him and ask if he was sad that his 'girlfriend' had gotten married - and he said no, he has someone a lot better now. (Bonus points - he knows how to get them!)

It's funny how things work out, isn't it?

I'm so thankful they worked out the way they did.


Blogger Stephanie said...

I am glad things worked out as well as they did for you guys. Funny how your ex date and his ex girlfriend ended up married.

2:26 PM

Blogger {LyndsD} said...

I think that is funny how that works!

Way to go hubby on the points! ;o)

4:14 PM

Blogger Me said...

That is funny how that worked out. Small world.

4:22 PM

Blogger Ju said...

That is so funny. What a small world.

4:27 PM

Blogger Misti said...

What trip that those two ended up together and married.
I am so glad things worked out for ya ;)

6:23 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

OMG, that is quite the twist of fate!

I'm admittedly addicted to reading the Lifestyles section too. I like to see what people do (like for jobs), maybe b/c I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

10:09 PM

Blogger Jen said...

now THAT is weird!!

10:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... » » »

6:53 AM


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