God Bless his sweet heart!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Steamy windows - you know what that means...

I mean really, I know that some people, sometimes just can't contain themselves any longer and have to go 'do their thing' in their vehicle, but really, did they have to park next to me? Oh. My. Gawd. Lucky me.

I can imagine they were a little suprised to see my lights come on when I hit the clicker to unlock the doors.

For goodness sake, its really cold outside. I can think of 10 other places to be getting some action on a cold night than in the truck. Can't you?


Blogger Unknown said...

Ummmm, been there done that, have the tee-shirt. Of course, that was like 20 years ago! lol

9:19 AM

Blogger Kari said...

Lucky you, lol.

10:03 AM

Blogger Humor Girl said...

Uhh, yeah! Like a Sedan!?

12:09 PM

Blogger Marisa said...

It IS the season of giving. hehehe

12:59 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

they could've at least parked in some wooded or deserted area!

4:29 PM

Blogger Tammy said...

Yea really. Couldn't they have at least had the courtesy of going into the woods? How funny!

6:28 PM

Blogger Ju said...

That is too funny. I can't imagine getting it on in a public parking lot. Go somewhere more private or at least park at the end of the lot!

12:14 PM

Blogger Me said...

Oh boy, we really need some more details on that one!!! where were you? Did they know you saw them? Were there any naked butts? Oops, sorry, maybe I don't need to know that one :)

2:22 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...


Probably teens with nowhere to go...

9:46 PM

Blogger Me said...

Ah, the good 'ol days!! LOL.

7:40 PM


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