God Bless his sweet heart!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Snowed in: not by the white kind

I'm here, somewhere ... Underneath all the party supplies, food orders, Multiple to-do lists, cleaning supplies, birthday gifts and a lot of thoughts regarding how quickly time passes and that I'll have a 1 year old on Saturday...

I. Can't. Believe. It.

Oh yeah, and just in case I'm the last one figuring it out - Parties, especially big ones like this one has become, are just plain stressful and expensive.


Blogger Me said...

That's why I'm not making Gracie's super big :) I have to admit I was tempted though!

It'll all turn out just great though! I can't wait to see pics of the birthday girl!

It's just amazing to me that all of our babies are already a year old! Where'd the year go?

5:09 PM

Blogger {LyndsD} said...

Aren't they tho! So sorry!!!

I hope you are going to have a great time! Happy early birthday baby girl!

Hang in there momma! :o) I want to see pics! ;o) I am trying to possibly think how I am about to have a 3 year old?? She will be 3 in March! That is so close... Good luck...Praying for ya!


5:31 PM

Blogger Marisa said...

Kari, I did the exact same thing when Alex turned one. The only reason why Samantha's party will be small is the fact that she is a winter baby and I can't really have a cook-out with snow in your backyard!

Try to take a moment to enjoy her party. Birthdays are supposed to be fun. She's your 'baby girl' afterall. :-)

8:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

We did Big as well.. try and enjoy it.. it goes too quick!

10:33 AM

Blogger Taylor said...

Oh wow! You, me, and Kether are all having the kids 1st birthday parties on Saturday! How funny is that?!

Good luck! I totally feel you pain. And guess what? This momma still hasn't ordered the cake or made a menu! YIKES!

11:38 AM

Blogger Trinity13 said...

I remember my son's first birthday...it was quite expensive. But, it was even more expensive when he turned two! So good luck with your plans!

Btw, my son will be four in March, so I'm hoping if I start planning now that this one won't be as stressful.

12:29 PM

Blogger Kether said...

I guess Saturday's the day for Big Birthday Blowouts!

Happy Birthday Delaney if I don't get here before then. I'll be thinking of you guys (and Taylor and Tristyn) while we have our party, too.

The year has gone by SO fast!

1:02 PM

Blogger Ju said...

Happy birthday Delaney! I see the hard work and stress Taylor is going through by throwing Tristyn's birthday party that I am seriously thinking about planning Alexa's 1st birthday party right now...LOL.

Well have a great Saturday and I know all your hard work will pay off.

3:58 PM

Blogger Misti said...

can you beieve its only a day away/? a whole has passed us by.

10:31 AM

Blogger Jen said...

Aw! Happy Birthday sweet girl!
All the blogger mama's are celebrating first birthdays all so close! I love it!!
Can't wait for pictures!

2:21 PM


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