God Bless his sweet heart!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A tag, a tag!

In an attempt to start crawling out of my funk I'm going to finally do this tag. The sweet Marisa tagged me to share 5 random things about myself with you all. So here we go.

~ I have this think about grapefruit. Ack. Can't do it, the smell, the taste, even hearing the word makes me gag and most of the time puke. I closed my eyes to type it. My sisters get a real kick out of it and will say the word over and over and over when they want to drive me crazy.

~ I still have and sleep with my baby blanket. Go ahead, laugh. I don't care.

~ If I go anywhere in the car I have to have a drink. I don't know why but I do even if its just a few minutes of a ride. And I always get a to go drink when eating out.

~ I can't eat ketchup on french fries unless I put pepper in it. (I know your all thinking I'm kinda weird at this point.) But try it... I think you'll agree its pretty good.

~ I sometimes join in when the guys play cards and when I do I usually take their money even though I don't really know what I'm doing... I think that makes them mad.

Alrighty, because I've been a little distracted, I don't know who has done this and who has not. So...if your reading this and have not been tagged to share your 5 random things - I tag you!


Blogger Kari said...

I haven't done this one yet...I'll try to do it.
And um...yeah, a little weird, LOL.

7:05 PM

Blogger Kari said...

Kari, I was going to tag you but for some reason I thought you had done it! TAG your it...

and for some reason, I can't comment on your blog??? I tried last night (hopefully you'll see this!)

8:05 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Baby blanket???? Ummmm ok, :)

8:46 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ahh, I wish I still had my baby blanket.

9:27 AM

Blogger {LyndsD} said...

That is a great 5 things... And I don't think you are weird at all. I have my baby bear I still sleep with... my hubby even likes holding it at night. :) Also about ketcup I can't eat Jack In the Box tacos with taco sauce I have to put ketcup on them. It's really good. :o)

I'll have to try the pepper thing. :o)

Hope you are feeling better from your funk in blogging. Miss ya!


10:06 AM

Blogger Me said...

I've been in a funk lately too. No time to read anybody else's, but here I am, 10:30 at night, I need a shower, I'm tired, but here I am :)

Hope you're doing a little bit better.

10:20 PM

Blogger Speckledpup said...

I am so like that about a drink in the car.
I'm like rainman...jeopardy at three, jeopardy at three
must have a drink in the car, lets get a drink, stop here so I can get a drink.

3:55 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Go nominate your favorite at my blog

9:02 AM


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