God Bless his sweet heart!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's over

I lost the baby. I'm completely crushed, again.

6 weeks

Sorry for just the "I'm pregnant" with nothing to follow. The past two weeks have been wonderful and worrisome all at the same time.

Today, by dates, I'm 6 weeks. I'm extremely nervous, though. I started spotting a little last week. No red, no cramping so I was semi-okay. I started my prometrium since my body just can't seem to figure out how to make enough of that. I was on supplements with Delaney as well, the pills are tiny but still really weird to swallow sometimes, but I get through it!

But, back to spotting. Last night. Now I'm really freaking out. Still no pain, so that is good but I wish it would just stop. I have a scan set up for Monday, but I don't know if I'll make it that long...

We are thrilled at the opportunity to add another baby to our family. I can't get over it, actually, I'm just that excited!

Please send your prayers, that everything is okay with our little person.

Friday, November 24, 2006


I'm pregnant!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The night of Halloween!

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Our Halloween was great. Babygirl really "got it" this year. She was so much fun. Running down the roads and up to doors actually saying "trick or treat" one or two times. Priceless!

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At the end of each driveway, she had to take out and examine what she had just received. I heard more "wow's" from her than I can count.

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Of course, her costume was just adorable! I think it was the best choice for her, hands down.

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And I ended up as a cat!

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AND, she left her wig on ALL NIGHT! Whew!