A message from the Baby Girl

God Bless his sweet heart!
It's not very merry when you feel like your going to throw up. Seriously, we took the baby girl to the fair. What's the fair without riding the Merry-Go-Round after you eat every greasy item of food you lay eyes on? So that is what we did. My aunt, my friend and I loaded up the babies (all were born within 6 weeks of each other) on the merry-go-round. The baby girl handed her tickets to the carnie like a big girl, too.
I know, I've been a WBW slacker these past few weeks. I'm back to play, and was actually able to get to this picture without too much digging.
The fair is here this week! The hubby and I are taking the babygirl tonight. Can you tell I'm like a little kid today? I think I'm most excited for the food, and of course I know the babygirl will love all the lights and action of it all. The fact that we also have some cool "fair weather," in the 40's and 50's for a few days this week. Yep, that is what I get for making jokes about you all that lived in cold places. I'm going to have to pull out the fall clothes.
Another *bleep bleep* hurricane is heading for Florida. The good is we are so far north Florida that we will probably only get some rain and ugly weekend weather, but the Hubby's South Florida family is in the path again.
A friend and I have deemed every other Wednesday a scrapbooking day. I'm determined to have the baby girl's first year done, finished, completed by her first birthday - minus her party page.
I got this from Beth. Here is the deal. Google your "name needs" ("Kari needs") and give us your top 10 needs! Here they are...
The hubby has discovered 'Party Poker' or something on the internet. Now he has been cutting into my computer and blogging time.
That's where I've been...
A pedicure!