God Bless his sweet heart!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Big Blogging Slacker

The baby girl's sleeping habits have gone crazy and its that time of the month - you know what I mean. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Oh and...

I do, however, have a nice, pretty, new sink and faucet that I keep tripping on because its still in the box. It came in on Tuesday but we're waiting on one more part. It's such a tease! I'm willing to bet - that the part comes in right after the hubby leaves for his hunting trip. Yep, you just watch.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

How did you spend your Saturday night?

I spent mine at a high school beauty pageant. 85 girls. Holy crap.

Yeah. I love the little sis for this stuff, I tell ya.

6-11 p.m. in a cafeteria with entirely too many people and not enough AC, running back and forth from my seat to backstage trying to help the sis change dresses, keeping the babygirl occupied (thankfully family was doing that), hungry, thirsty, tired, talking to people I have not seen in YEARS - you see how it went.

I've lost my marbles I'm sure of it!! She got 3rd runner up, not bad!

So. Freaking. Tired.

Aren't you jealous?

Friday, September 23, 2005

SPF: It's Odd

This is my first week playing Stuff Portrait Friday, brought to us by Kristine at Random & Odd. So come one, join the fun and play with us. Of course, you have to let us know that you did so we can check out your STUFF!

  • Something that was perfect in the store, but awful when you got it home

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This tub. Well, I just don't like it. Supposedly, its an infant to toddler tub. And I have to say, it probably works great in the infant stage and maybe the toddler stage, but the in between stage - it sucks. Of course, the hubby threw away the box and paperwork before I could even blink. So I guess we'll save it for another baby, one day.

  • Your cell phone

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Here is the phone that cost $200 and the phone that the babygirl is in the process of ruining. Really, I'm surprised it still works. She has deemed it the best teether ever.

  • Your camera

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See nothing fancy. I do really want something more!

Happy Friday, now go play!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Met 2 internet friends ...

I never imagined I'd ever really get to meet anyone in real life that I met online, but yesterday I did.

I got to meet up with two wonderful women that I've been in touch with for 3 years. I met them both around October, 2002. The time of my first miscarriage. They both had losses around the same time. We met on a message board that I will forever claim to be my saving grace. Without the support I found there with them and the rest of the wonderful women I've met there, (Christine, Jen, and Stephanie are some of them), I don't know that I'd ever made it through that time of my life completely sane without that message board.

The 2 I met and myself each managed to get pregnant again, and sadly each of us also lost our second pregnancies. So the process starts all over. The third pregnancy for each of us turned out to be the charm. So you can only imagine the happiness I got to feel yesterday when the 3 of us met up and enjoyed some time together with each other and our children - A toddler, the babygirl and a baby boy.

I caught myself with tears in my eyes many times. Just because we had come so far - we had felt each others pain, and now we were sharing in each others happiness.

We had to giggle when we caught ourselves talking about baby poop. I mean there was a time that each one of the 3 of us thought we'd never have an experience baby poop to even talk about. Yes, there were days I thought I'd never be a mother.

It was such an amazing day. It was like we'd known each other forever. Just imagine, a southerner, a New Yorker and a Norwegian - that was us! I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to share a day with them and their children. I will forever remember it.

(Christine and Jen - I met Tracy and Marit!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

8 months old ~

I simply just can't believe it. The baby girl is 8 months old. I don't know where the time goes, I cherish every moment. Each time I see her smile, hear her say Da-Da & Ma-Ma, listen to her giggle, see her eyes light up - I just melt.

And of course Happy 8 months to sweet baby T!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pass the tissues, please

I. Feel. Like. Crap.

Ugh, I started to feel bad the day before yesterday. I thought it would go away, but its only managed to get worse. There's not too much I can take that will actually help either being I'm nursing the baby girl. Speaking of her - she has been such an angel the past two days and for that I'm so thankful!

Stuffy nose + Scratchy throat + Burning eyes = MISERY.

and... to top it off I have to go to the in-law's for dinner tonight to celebrate my BIL's birthday

Monday, September 19, 2005

Free gas, that doesn't happen everyday

I got free gas yesterday. $10 dollars worth.

Yes, I know gas at $2.77/gallon and $10 is only about 3.something gallons, but that is 3.something gallons I didn't have to pay for.

The entire is story is just quite confusing. But apparently someone pre-paid for their gas and didn't pump it. I pulled up to that pump so when I put my card in it gave me the 10 dollars and shut off, I was confused. Started the process over and decided I'd go in and figure it out after I got the rest of my gas. Pumped. Got the babygirl out of the car, yea she was asleep until I had to lug her in her carrier inside the gas station (and you know that is so annoying.)

Waited in one of the longest gas station lines in history. Got to the counter and started to try to explain. The cashier looks at me like I'm out of mind. I could not figure out if she was just confused or if she was just confused that I actually came in offering to pay the $10 when I could have just driven off and no one would have known. I keep explaining in a different way, trying to make it make sense when the manager was on the phone talking about the $10 I was talking about, (have I lost you yet?)

So - after a little more confusing conversation, I walk out with not having to pay the $10 I owed them. She said, "I guess you got free gas." Hmmmmmmm, Okay. Now get out the door before she changes her mind right, hahaha.

Get the baby girl snapped into the car, crank up and the lady is at my window... Inquiring did I have 10 in cash. No. I came in to pay the extra with my card. She said okay, well it won't work if you use your card (the lady had called back saying she was coming to get her gas in an hour!) She thought for a minute and told me to have a nice day!

It was a great way to start my Sunday and I was just giddy because that kind of stuff just never happens to me.

Friday, September 16, 2005

So, did you hear?

I'll be interested to hear the explanation of "fraud" being the reason for the split.

The hubby says he heard on the radio last week that the issues were with Kenny buy an $11,000 light fixture or something to that sort. I don't know that hubby has the correct story, but if he does, who flipping cares he is once again mine all mine!

...Hey, a girl can dream!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mommy? Daddy? Someone help me!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I like to think of myself as a patient person

Most of the time I am, and I think that makes life a lot easier. But, when it comes to changing the babygirl's crib sheet, I lose it all. Patience simply disappears.

The babygirl leaked out of her diaper at 4 a.m. this morning requiring me to strip her down, clean her up, change her onesie, and bring her back to my bed to sleep.

So this morning first thing I decide to strip her sheet and get her a clean one on so that when it came nap time I wouldn't have to deal with it. So, with her climbing between my legs I start the changing then...

the rail falls off.
I undo the bumper pads.
move the babygirl from under my legs.
put rail back on.
move the babygirl from under my legs.
fight with the mattress and sheet.
rail falls off.
move the babygirl from under my legs.
put rail back on.... put rail back on totally wrong.
move the babygirl from under my legs.
try to fix it.
can't fix it.
fight with it.
swear at it.
move the babygirl from under my legs.
fight with it some more.
call hubby (What's he going to do from work? Nothing. But, it made me feel better to vent to someone.)

I just gave up, hubby can deal with it when he gets home! If I touch it again I'm sure that I'll probably ruin something.

Thankfully, the babygirl went down for a nap in her pack and play without too much of a fight. Now if she'll only stay napping long enough for it to count. What are the odds? Time will tell..

Monday, September 12, 2005

It is funny how things work out

My favorite part of the Sunday newspaper is the lifestyle section (and the coupons, of course). I love to look through all the wedding announcements from the day before. I love everything about weddings so its fun to look through at all the brides, read a little about them and their big day, and read where they will spend their first days as a married couple.

Only once every few months do I see one of someone we know. Usually, everyone we know just prints theirs in the weekly little town paper that we have, but every now and then someone will put theirs in the town and big city paper.

So late last night I was flipping through reading as the hubby watched the last of the news. I had to giggle when I opened up and saw that the hubby's first serious girlfriend and my Junior prom date had gotten married. We knew they were once dating once but had no idea they were engaged. Of course, I had to joke with him and ask if he was sad that his 'girlfriend' had gotten married - and he said no, he has someone a lot better now. (Bonus points - he knows how to get them!)

It's funny how things work out, isn't it?

I'm so thankful they worked out the way they did.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Beautiful weather and a lazy Saturday..

They were right for now, the storm did go East and we do have beautiful weather. I have not seen the news today to see what its doing - but I assume its starting its loop the predict and then we're open game again next week, oh well. At least today its pretty!

Poor hubby, he's at work. This weekend is officially hunting season and he can hardly wait to get out there. But, he is missing the opening weekend because he thought the weather was going to be bad and agreed to work. Its making him crazy I'm sure!

The babygirl and I have been lazy today. We rode up to the hair salon where "Nana" was getting her hair done this morning to sit and visit. My hairdresser ended up buying me lunch and my mom bought me my expensive shampoo/conditioner and heat spray. I guess I made out well on that trip!! (gotta love it!)

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Yes, that is the hurricane sitting stationary off the coast of Florida. It is 170 miles Southeast of where I live.

They predict its going to start to turn East by the weekend putting us in the clear. But really, let's be honest. They don't really know...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Way Back Wednesday - "Go Team, Go!"

That is right, it's Wednesday again and time to play WBW brought to us by the Kept Mama. This week our theme is - "School Spirit" - and I was full of school spirit! That's right... I was a cheerleader. I was even captain my JV years and Co-captain my Varsity years.

For the first photo, I'm in action! See my feather headband? We were the Warriors... I even had Indian braids!

This next one is a Senior picture taken in my uniform. Cute, huh?

And here is a group shot of us Seniors after a pep rally. I'm the one on the front right.

So there they are, a few pictures of some really fun times.

Did you play? Come on, you know you want too! Be sure to let us know so we can check out your school spirit.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but my goodness. This past weekend and the holiday really did me in.

My eyes are feeling that tired burn, and I've yet to even get dinner started. Hubby and the baby girl are taking quick cat nap's as I sit here and stare towards the kitchen, the laundry on the couch, and my bedroom door. Oh how I want to wish I could go in there and have a nice, long, hot (very hot) bath and curl under the covers! But, I have at least 3 hours until that will become possible.

Friday, September 02, 2005

TGIF, a long weekend and random thoughts -

Whew, it's Friday. I woke up with a headache, but hey its Friday!

This week has just crept by for some reason, I thought we'd never make it to the weekend. I think its all the sad news coming from Hurricane Katrina. Its just sad, really. It brings back so many bad memories for the hubby - reminding him of when he was one of those children living in chaos after Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Its also hitting home with my parents. My mom spent years of her childhood in Gulfport, and my dad was born and lived in Pascagula for many years.

The babygirl and I have been in the house all week. Honestly, I'm feeling a little cooped up so we're getting out today. Yes, gas is $3.00 a gallon but I think both of us could use some fresh air, so we're going to run a few errands mainly to pay some bills. I'd much rather go to Target, but that is clear across town and I don't particularly "need anything specific" so that will have to wait until another day.

Tonight we go to revisit my past, just in time to get excited about Mama Duck's newly posted Way Back Wednesday theme! That's right, we're going to the rival football game of our high school where I was a cheerleader as well as my middle and baby sisters. My baby sister is now a Varsity cheerleader, how did that happen? I'll get to see people I have not seen in years. It most definitely will be interesting.

We also get to meet my new baby cousin this weekend. It's his first visit home to meet the family. He's almost 4 months old. The baby girl and cousin H. (9 months) will probably try to beat up on him with their girl power! I can't wait to see him.

Okay, I'm done with coffee and my rambles. Must get going. Happy Friday!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The snakes didn't get the memo

To stay out of my yard and neighborhood. Ugh. I'm reeeaaaaallllly afraid of snakes and they are all over our neighborhood lately.

If one more conversation with any of my neighbors begins or ends with "I just want to let you know that we killed a snake yesterday" I think it will make me lock myself and the baby girl inside for a while. Thank goodness I've not seen one yet, but from the sounds of it, our turn is next. Crap. Please don't let me see a snake. Especially when the hubby is not home. I think I'll have a heart attack.

It started last week, the hubby saw a neighbor across the street killing a snake one evening while we were outside. He didn't tell me right away because he knew I would freak out (thank you very much). Then a few days later another neighbor - one house over - told hubby that he's killed 3 on his back patio since they've lived there. They just moved in 2 weeks ago! And, he's killed 3! The last one was this morning, I was going out to check the mail and another neighbor -right next door- yelled to me. They killed one this weekend on the corner of their yard and ours. Grrreeeaaatt.

The worst of it all is they are little rattlesnakes. Hubby says they won't kill me just make me very sick. (Isn't that nice?). My Dad says they probably hatched somewhere near our house and to watch out in the garage. So between Hubby and my father they have me even more freaked out.

So of course I just called hubby after hearing this news of the latest snake sighting and what does he tell me... "Just keep the garage door shut." "It's not like they can get in the house." I then had to remind him at this time last year my best friends sister had a copperhead in her house.

Gawd. I wish no one would have even mentioned all of these snake sightings to me. I would have never thought about it. Ugh.

So...off to get moth balls to put around the exterior of the yard and house. Apparently, they are supposed to keep the snakes away, we'll see about that.